Sunday, March 09, 2008

Nobody Owes You Anything, You Owe Yourself To Take Responsibility for Your Own Actions

I quickly became enraged this weekend when I began to read a story in this Sunday's paper (click my headline for link) about a woman-a lawyer no less, who is suing seven casinos $20 million dollars because she lost $1 million at the table and the casinos did nothing to stop her addictive-like behavior, which included staying at the table using disposable wipes to 'brush her teeth' and eat complimentary candy bars, so as not to lose her spot at the tables. Are you kidding me?

This calls to mind the cases years earlier against Ozzy Osbourne and Judas Priest when a couple of kids killed themselves and the parents sued the artists for the music for provoking their children. Where were the parents when their kid was depressed to talk to, comfort, look for signs until too late?

Mothers that complain that certain teen idols OWE their daughters to dress or carry themselves a certain way, because its the fans that got them where they are.

Nobody owes me anything. I owe it to myself to be a good person, to love and look after my family, my friends.

I am a very tolerant and forgiving person, but the gall of these people to blame their problems on outside forces and not take responsibility. It just kills me.


Roe said...

Oh, A-Men to that. You know I get on my personal responsibility rants. WTF is happening to us as a society?

Stacey said...

The purpose of a casino is to take your money. When you play, you play a game of chance. Chances are higher that money leaves you than it comes to you.

It's like suing McDonald's because they obviously shoved those BigMacs down your throat without your knowledge, and now you've had a heart attack...


Linda said...

i know, who expects the demon of your vice to help you out? Oh wait, I know, the tobacco companies!