Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Growing Pains

I've been quiet on speaking about Lost, but I gotta tell you, as a parent, when I saw how different Walt looked on last night's episode, a few tears were shed. If I hadn't seen my kid for a period of time and she grew that much and was in trouble, I don't know what I'd be capable of.


Roe said...

I was a little shook up myself.

But I still gotta say, although I understand Michael's motivation better now - I think any parent would do the same - I still hope he gets killed off next week...

Lauren said...

Aside from anything else when Ms. Klugh suggested that Michael might not be Walt's biological father I immediately thought 'he's going to get Walt back, find out he's not his real father and be heartbroken all over again.' That would be almost as sad as Locke's family history and yet I feel much more sorry for Locke.

Lore said...

At first I was like, "Is that the same actor?"

Seriously, thought, I figured it must have been something like this for Michael to be going around shooting people. You could see in his eyes that when he killed them, it bothered him.

Stacey said...

Okay, I want to know how Lauren knows how to spell Miss Klugh... Where have you been surfing?

And what was the URL of the new clue for Hanso? I didn't write it down!

The funny thing is that now Walt has gotten so much bigger, but on the show, less than a month probably is supposed to have passed since his dissappeared... :)