Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Another Lil Milestone

So today Amanda had her first full on attempt at babysitting Grace and Danny, for about four hours while Rose and I went to see Lauren and Charlie. We had done a dry run at our place last week, and that went pretty well. I was so good-I never called! Well once, just to say we were on our way back. I almost kidnapped Charlie and WOW, does he have neck strength for a two week old, holy smoke! He is absolutely precious, and Lauren has her mommy mojo down pat. Way to go, Chris and Lauren!

And way to go, Amanda! Mom's proud.


Roe said...

He is so cute! I can't wait to meet him!

Good on you, Amanda! If you ever want to take on Will and Alex, just say the word.

Stacey said...

I love this photo...