Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Hot as Hades, Broke, and Frozen In My Thoughts

Tonight, in New York, I sat in my living room drowning in sweat, as I cannot use my AC there, or else it flips our fusebox. The temperatures have hovered near 100 degrees for the past several days.
My thoughts are flying in so many directions-to write, to travel, to do something new. That said, my financial situation has not been the best of late, being a struggling writer and all, and thus I'm frozen in my thoughts. Family has helped out tremendously in this department, but how I wish to return to the days of complete financial independence, as I was accustomed to la dolce vita back in 2002. Gone are the days of shopping in Soho. Now it's back to a diet of Raman noodles, mac 'n cheese, and burritos. Where's my J.K. Rowling inspiration for fortune?

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