Monday, August 01, 2005

Crazy to be Normal on Six Feet Under

My husband frantically calls me into the living room to point to Nate Fisher's epitaph on my television screen and I was so pissed-he didn't realize I hadn't seen this week's episode of Six Feet Under yet, which I had then we sat and watched it together.

This season has just seemed really sour to me...with all of the characters on a mission to make their lives more 'normal', they just seemed to have gone off the deep end. Nate and Brenda were passionate and hot when they were crazy and unattached in the first season...Dave was fun to watch when he was wrestling with his sexuality while cruising a club for action and starring in musicals in his head, Ruth was more appealing when she was still grieving for her dead husband, and as for Claire...well I have to say I do like the new boyfriend and that she left that pretentious art college crowd.

I had secretly been hoping that Nate and Brenda would finally be 'happy' together. Earlier this season, Nate seemed like he was finally getting his shit together and wasn't going to screw around, but then he had to go shag his step sister. As Nate put it, "When you make love and your head explodes, it's a good thing."

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I couldn't agree more about the characters this season. I feel like they ruined the feel of the show that it originally had.