Monday, September 26, 2005

Quick take on last month

The past month has been a bit hellish-we found out recently that two of our close friends each lost a parent. Then two other friends are getting divorces!
As for me, I've taken a second part time job at a doctor's office, strictly for need of cash and its convenient location. Not thrilled about the deviation from my writing career at this point, but hell, the NY Times just laid off 500 people, so I guess this is just a tough time for writers. All of the advertising business is switching from print to online, leaving papers struggling. About the only publication that comes to mind that is flourishing is Real Simple magazine, which I love. Every month, I swear that magazine gets fatter n fatter with ad revenue!
Been dealing with my daughter now in 6th grade, giving her a little more freedom to move about, thanks to the wonders of a cell phone, but still trying to keep close watch, as this is a precious time. Grades go on transcripts for high school now. Basketball is back on, games start next month, so I'm excited. She is a treasure, a pisser and a pain in my butt all at once, and I love her madly. I'm so blessed that she's mine.
In my spare time, been enjoying the pleasures of Acquisition, and checking out the new tv season's lineup-House, Lost, and Gilmore Girls. But I can't even enjoy Lorelai and Luke's engagement, what with the massive row going on between Lorelai and Rory. It's strange how a television show can affect your mood. But Luke sure looks fine!
And this past weekend, my husband and I went to see the White Stripes, which I blogged about below. Jack is an amazing guitarist (and easy on my eyes.)


Roe said...

Hey lady!

Thanks so much for the words of encouragement on my blog. I was having such a low when I posted that. It helps when a friend reaches out, especially since I tend to shun people when I get into those funks (I hate feeling like I'm dragging people into my drek).

Let's try and have a girls' night soon, I think we could use it.

6 Feet Under affected many moods for me, so I hear you about TV shows affecting a mood!


Stacey said...

I think it's amazing because we can actually relate to what we see on screen, especially the older we get, and the more life experience we gain.

I hope this winter brings happier times for all of us, and our friends.

Roe said...

I know you're not a praying gal Stacey, but Amen to that.

Six Feet Under - mothers and sons - many crying jags for me.