Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Millions of Mindless Morons

Ok, first, I've changed my blog name. After deciding that I had to blog tonight and why, I felt it was appropriate. I realize my old blog name has nothing to do with the other (I eat one while I watch the other.) I'll probably get a completely new blog, but I don't want to have to go through the gruntwork right now of transferring everything, so I'll keep it this way for now.

And now for my rant. I'm frightened frankly, at the heavy-handed attention given to Oprah (and others, but Oprah comes first, because she's so special!)for being "lied-to," let down, disappointed, however you want to put it, about James Frey's book, "A Million Little Pieces." I will state right here that I have not read the book. However, I don't have to have read the book to know that this man does not owe me or anyone else, a damn thing. He wrote a bestseller to make money, for himself. He was his own subject matter, he wasn't covering someone else's story. Maybe he lied. But he owes NO ONE anything, except maybe his landlord and his own conscience if hasn't told the truth.

This is an age-old peeve of mine that grows stronger with each case, each year. There have been so many times where a person blames the media for impacting their life in some way (a negative way), and then trouble really starts brewing. A kid kills himself supposedly for listening to a Judas Priest song, so it's the band's fault. A woman spills hot coffee on herself, she sues. When Kurt Cobain killed himself, MTV thought others might do the same, so they created a support hotline. When Britney Spears tarts herself up in a video, parents bitch that she owes her audience. When kids watch certain video games, they're liable to re-enact those behaviors in their own lives, so the games must be pulled.

How fucking weak are you? You owe it to yourself to breathe, to have a brain and a heart.

You know who owes who something?
Spouses owe each other love and to play on the same team.
A parent owes a child to be there for him or her, always, to give them unconditional love, to have a clue of what's going on in their kid's lives.
Friends, like spouses owe their friends to be there for each other.
An employer owes an employee their paycheck.
We all owe each other common courtesy, the right to speak our mind.

I'm trying to think of situations other than those with monetary exchanges where someone can owe another something, and I'm falling short.


Lauren said...

I agree. I haven't read the book, or watched the Oprah, but it seems like what Oprah was really pissed about was being lied to on her show, not in the book. Whatever. Biography is really not a science. No matter how factual someone is everything a writer writes still gets filtered through their own perspective. A five year old knows that you can tell the truth and still be lying. We look to writers to tell us stories. Better they lie to us than reporters, or hmm, the president.

Roe said...

Oh amen, amen, amen. This has been my soapbox rant for years now. I'm all about taking responsibility for your own damned selves and your own damned choices. Burger King is not making you or your kids fat - no one is strapping anyone down and shoving bacon doublecheeseburgers down your damned throat!

You're driving a car with a HOT cup of coffee between your legs and get scalded? Congratulations, you are a jackass. Why are you suing? Isn't coffee SUPPOSED to be hot? Isn't that the fucking point??

The James Frey stuff is ridiculous - he's laughing all the way to the bank because no matter how much he may have 'lied', the 'scandal' is selling more of his books than ever.

Oprah goes out there and holds herself as this bastion of literacy (ur... um...) and then people, who don't want to take responsibility for their lives, blame her and the author because they feel lied to (IT'S A FUCKING BOOK - GET PAST IT). She looks like a jackass, so she makes a stink.

TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN LIVES! Make your own choices! Own your own mistakes!

Linda said...

Amen. I'm glad you guys feel the way I do. Can you believe a social worker is suing Frey for $10 million? What a racket. I completely agree, own your own mistakes.

Stacey said...

One thing I have to say about the Frey situation is NEVER TRUST A JUNKIE! How many times have we heard it, and now people are actually upset that someone may have not been totally honest, or clear in his recollection of this time in his life.

Are we really surprised? Should we be? Does it matter in the grand scheme of things?

One of my dramatic writing teachers in college said it best. "Sometimes real life makes for shitty drama." Well, here you have it. I bet the reality was a tad dull.

Linda said...

That's what Ian said.

Stacey said...

Ha ha ha... great minds...